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To get better at problem solving, change how you define this word...

Why tiny robots can help you build a more meaningful understanding.

If you’re like most people...

You might think of a tangled rope as complex.

For many, complexity is a synonym for complicated.

Even Google steers you in this direction.

BUT complexity has a better definition that can make you a better problem solver.

Principles for better thinking.

Consider Cubelets'

Easy ways to improve your problem solving skills.

Get curious about complexity.




If you were to ask a complexity scientist what complexity is, you might hear it described as something like this…

How a large collection of components – locally interacting with each other at small scales – can spontaneously self-organize to exhibit non-trivial global structures and behaviors at larger scales, often without external intervention, central authorities or leaders. 

In very simple terms...

Complexity is when a bunch of simple parts interact to create something unexpected.

But... the interactions of simple parts can create all sorts of problems in the real world. 

Climate change.

Income inequality.





Are all problems that emerge from complex systems.

Despite the differences between them...

These kinds of problems share common traits.

Complexity is an emerging science with principles and concepts that can change how you think about solving problems.

The first step is to get curious.

Explore complexity by reading about some of its most interesting concepts.

Feedback loops.

Self organized criticality.

Dancing landscapes.


Learning about these principles and more will help you think about problems in new ways.


Or play with...

Cubelets are models of complex systems that allow you to experiment and learn through play. They’re the perfect way to build a more intuitive understanding of complexity.

Educator? Try Cubelets with a free review kit.