Thousands & Thousands of Tiny Robots.

Crowdfunding and Pretty Colors

Well, now!  That was fun.  The Kickstarter campaign for MOSS ran for a month, attracted pledges from 1578 would-be robot builders, and generated $361,293. Work on MOSS

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Storing Your Cubelets

By: Modular Robotics

Depending on which combination of Cubelets you own, you may have different questions about how to store and manage your Cubelets. Our Education Packs, for instance, arrive in plastic tubs that each contain multiple groups’ worth of Cubelets.

Some schools ordered many Cubelets TWELVEs (replaced by the Curiosity Set in 2019), which arrive in one cardboard box per student group, but the cardboard box requires Cubelets to be stacked on top of each other, so it’s hard to quickly scan to see if the Cubelets have all been returned to their proper places.

So let’s talk about how you might manage the storage of your Cubelets.

Cubelets Containers: Plastic “Education Tubs”

First and foremost, many schools and teachers come back asking for our Cubelets Containers (the same plastic tubs that all Education Packs ship in). To make quick-scan accountability easier, they’ll print out a Packing Reference Guide and tape it to the inside cover of each Cubelets Container:

Other teachers modify their containers by printing out our Cubelets Catalogue on sticker paper and then cutting out each Cubelet and attaching it to the bottom of their Cubelets Containers in each Cubelet’s appropriate place. While the up-front time takes a little longer for this method of storing Cubelets, many teachers found it paid back ten-fold during the shortened clean-up time at the end of every Cubelets lesson.

While certainly the most common organization technique we recommend and hear about from teachers in the field, modifying our Cubelets Containers is not the only approach to managing Cubelets. Here are two alternatives that may inspire you to invent your own storage ideas!  Be sure to share about how you store your Cubelets on Twitter using the hashtag #CubeletsChat.

Magnetic Push Cart

For teachers or schools who share their Cubelets between multiple classrooms, this push-cart might be the solution for you. Since Cubelets are magnetic, they stay put on a metal computer cart as they move through the halls, and it’s easy to quickly see which Cubelets are properly stowed, missing, or need extra attention. Here’s a photo we received from Cheri Rios at Kohfeldt Elementary in Texas City:

Nail Polish Groups

Another technique some teachers use is to mark each student group of Cubelets with a specific color of nail polish (or sticker). While knowing which Cubelet is missing won’t be solved by this method of Cubelets storage, it will be easier to identify which students may have more information about where the missing Cubelets might be hiding.

How do you keep track of your Cubelets? Any recommendations to pass along? We love sharing how educators use and store their Cubelets Tag us @modrobotics to share about the Cubelets storage innovations that work for you!

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