It’s finally summer! Students are playing, relaxing, and experiencing many new things, but your Cubelets don’t need to be gathering dust in a closet all summer. Many people are looking for highly engaging tools that secretly prevent the dreaded “summer slide”. Have you considered loaning them to a summer camp or a few of your school families for the summer?
Cubelets work really well inside *Theme Weeks* that are often part of summer camp curriculums. Here are a few ideas that might help you pinpoint where Cubelets fit within your summer plans:
Animal Behaviors
Do you have an animal-themed week at camp this year? Are you taking a field trip to the zoo or reading about lots of very exotic animals? Cubelets are great models of natural animal behaviors. Try making robots that act like predators or prey. Or you can invent Cubelets animals that find different kinds of food in an artificial environment.

Stories Brought To Life
Do you have any weeks that are based on a specific author or book series? Try letting students use Cubelets to design robots that represent different characters from the book or series. They can decorate their Cubelets with our brick adapters or by using cardboard and paper to overlay their Cubelets.
Working with students old enough to understand how 3-D nets work? They could make customized costumes for their Cubelet designs that include appropriate holes for their SENSE Cubelets.
Racing Robots
Are you focusing on vehicles at all this summer? Cubelets can model a variety of different vehicle-related behaviors. You could have students race robots or design robots that can perform helpful tasks such as guiding someone out of a dark room during a power outage or carrying an object across the table. Depending on the vehicles you are focusing on and the age of your summer students, you may want to include some Personality Swaps like the Two-Way Rotate or Two-Way Reverse Rotate (especially if you’re looking at tractors, snow plows, or other machines like oil rigs.)

You could also use Cubelets Blockly to fine tune your robot’s behaviors. Get started with some Create with Cubelets tutorials!
Amusement Park
Amusement Parks are full of all sorts of different motions. From the swings to a “maze-solving” roller coaster, students will have ample inspiration to design an entire amusement park with their various rides and roller coasters. I recommend your students be comfortable with Cubelets Blockly in order to fine-tune their rides, and to have access to Legos/Lego People to show where and how their riders will participate in the ride.
Have a different theme this summer that you’d like to include Cubelets within? Reach out to our customer support team at so they can put you in touch with our Cubelets Educator to help you brainstorm. We’re always available to be your thought partner as you seek increasingly creative ways to include Cubelets in your different summer camp activities and student-centered environments!
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