We’re making a lot of progress transitioning MOSS from prototype to product. Engineering design was locked several months ago, injection moulds are made, and plastics for our first production run (to fulfill kickstarter pledges) will arrive in Boulder this week. We’ve already started to produce circuit boards on our SMT fabrication line! Steel ball bearings are here and threaten to collapse our floor.

Colors are locked, and they’re gorgeous. The photo below is a little wonky and still doesn’t show the colors accurately, but we just shot beautiful new pro photos and I’ll post them asap. We vacillated a lot with color selection, made a last-hour decision to switch to a two-color face scheme, and then reversed that in a last-minute decision to in favor of the original four-color face scheme:
- Green = Power
- Red = Data Output
- Brown = Data Input
- Blue = Pass-through

We’re still on track to get the first MOSS kits out the door in February!