Who do I contact with press or marketing questions?
Any press or marketing inquiries can be emailed to robopromo@modrobotics.com or you can call in to leave a message on our Office Voicemail, which will be forwarded
Any press or marketing inquiries can be emailed to robopromo@modrobotics.com or you can call in to leave a message on our Office Voicemail, which will be forwarded
If you’re having trouble with your Cubelets or MOSS robots, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support team at support@modrobotics.com Our support team
Interested in becoming a reseller of Cubelets? Please fill out our Reseller Agreement and our team will reach out to you with information about carrying Modular Robotics
We don’t typically offer promotion codes, but we’re always happy to help figure out the perfect combination of Cubelets kits and individual blocks for your kids or
An extra Battery Cubelet is the right way to go if you have several kids sharing a Cubelets set or have enough blocks that you could build
In all versions of Android OS since Android Marshmallow (6.0), Location Services permissions are required to successfully scan for any nearby Bluetooth LE devices. The
Camp Resources. Activities, Printables, and Supplemental Resources. About. Camp Resources includes five days of Cubelets robot block activities. Each day is designed to take roughly
Educators are dedicated to helping all children learn. Supporting diverse learners with Cubelets means paying attention to how every learner is unique – and looking
Cubelets FAQs is your place to find answers to common questions about Cubelets robot blocks, orders, and Modular Robotics.
Need help, can't find an answer? Contact the Modular Robotics support team and we'll help you!
Get the details on Modular Robotics shipping policies and sales tax collection for orders in the United States and around the world.
Cubelets are backed by a one year warranty. Need to make a claim, get a replacement, or have questions? Click to get started.
Explore a huge collection of K-12 lessons, activities, guides, training, and more.
Learn everything you need to know to start creating more with Cubelets robot blocks in this handy Getting Started Guide.
Go beyond the building blocks and play with the code inside. Cubelets apps make it easy to create even more with your Cubelets.
There are millions of robots you can create with Cubelets. Check out these robots to help inspire your inventions.
Cubelets robot blocks are used by educators all around the world to help students explore computational thinking, coding, and STEM.
Bring home the educational teaching tool loved by teachers everywhere. Explore sets designed for learning through play.