I’m super-excited to announce our launch of the Bluetooth Cubelet today. It’s not just another Cubelet. You can use it to pair your Cubelets robot with your phone — read sensor values from far away or remote control your mobile robot. Or you can connect your Cubelets robot to your PC and reprogram any connected Cubelets using the Cubelets CODE web application and a simple API.

This changes everything. You can re-program a Think Cubelet to behave like a different Think Cubelet. You can reprogram your Sense Cubelets to sense and then Invert the signal, removing the Inverse block from your robot. You can roll up your sleeves and reprogram some Cubelets to do lots of the wacky things that have been suggested in the forums. We can’t wait to see what you build.
We’ve been working on the Bluetooth Cubelet and its supporting software (Control and Code) for more than a year. (Updated apps since original post) For us, that’s an eternity! But this is not a simple project, and we wanted to get it right. Massively parallel tangible real-time modular distributed robot programming. You know, for kids!