I’m Sawyer Bernath, Co-Head of Production at Modular Robotics. I started as an assembler four years ago, spent some time running our circuit board assembly line, and then moved into my current role. I’ve never written on this blog before, but something happened that I really wanted to share!
Earlier this month, Modular Robotics attended the first ever Colorado Manufacturing Awards, presented by CompanyWeek and Manufacturer’s Edge. We were nominated in the Aerospace & Electronics category, alongside Sierra Nevada Corporation’s Space Systems and Seagate. To be honest it was pretty intimidating, and we initially weren’t sure if it was even worth attending. We make toys. What are the chances our tiny robot factory could beat out a major satellite maker and an industry-leading storage manufacturer?
Apparently our chances were good, because we won!

After walking all the way to the podium from our spot in the back, I gave an awkward acceptance speech and rejoined our crew at the cool kids table (beer and toys). We were sitting with the guys from Ska Brewing and Colorado Malting Company, two other medium-sized companies who won their respective categories. It was pretty crazy to see CMC beat out Arrow Electronics, a Fortune 500 electronics supplier.
Overall, I was struck by the number and variety of attendees at the ceremony. Part of me was expecting a small event full of people trying to sell me stuff for our factory. But it totally was not that. The vast majority of attendees were bona fide Colorado manufacturers, making awesome products, and passionate about this growing sector of the Colorado economy. It’s a community I’m proud to be a part of.